Monday, January 16, 2017

Day 7

Our last day with Karen and Stephen had a good start with a trip to the market after breakfast but finished with an emotional send off as they were whisked away in the car to the airport.
The time seemed to speed up as their departure closed in.  One minute we were having lunch on the beach and then they were gone.
We had many laughs, told many tall stories and experienced a special and relaxing week with our Irish friends.
We also leave tomorrow and will remember the fun we had until the next time we meet.

We inspected the one and two bedroom villas to report back to Melissa.  They were magnificent, close to the beach, large and surrounded by water as shown below.

The bathroom here had loads of room and every facility imaginable.

View from the bed almost with a view of the ocean.

Sitting, eating, relaxing area was superb as was the private spa and pool.

Path leading to the three story day spa rooms.

View of the ocean while having a massage !!

Judy standing on the spot where many a bride and groom have stood taking their vows.

The last supper with Karen and Steve, lunch at our favourite beachside spot with a couple of Bintan ales to say goodbye.

At last I managed to get Judy into the pool just before the rain came pelting down.

She was very proud that she got to the other end and back, the smile shows all !!☀️🌦🌩☔️

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