Thursday, January 12, 2017

Day 2

The transport arrangements to Bali were a disaster . Up at 4.45 am and still waiting for a plane at midday!!!
Then flew to Perth to refuel, cheaper than Darwin fuel, and on to Bali. Got there at 9.00pm a total of 16 hours after getting up.
Our plane was cancelled and we were not told. We were lucky to get two seats on another flight.
Not like Karen and Steve who were sent to Darwin and told to wait for 10 hours for their connecting flight.  They arrived at 3.00am the next morning.  Not a good result.
Could be worse, one lady and her daughter were on their first plane flight ever and were told there were no seats left. They went home to try again the next day.  No travel insurance for them.
Will try to never fly Jetstar again !!
First day spent at the pool relaxing with the Irish . 
The Seminyak Resort is excellent, with two beautiful pools, right on the beach, great service and very diverse menus.

Started at the pool

And finished at the pool

A beautiful night on the beach

On our way to the beachside restaurant to watch the sunset

Judy and Karen choosing their meals while watching the sunset

A view from Seminyak Beach Resort during dinner

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