Saturday, January 14, 2017

Day 5

We took a taxi to the 2002 Sari Club bombing site.  This is the memorial that was financed by Australia and on the left behind the truck is a vacant lot where the Sari Club once stood.  Behind me was Paddys Bar which also was bombed and no longer exists.

The names of all those who were killed that night !

This is the infamous Kuta Beach without the soul of 25 years ago.  Less Balinese and more Javanese and Aussie males roaming the area has changed this once family resort into a down trodden and tired stretch of beach

For dinner tonight we went to Jimbaran Bay just south of the airport. We found the Seaside Cafe which served great seafood including lobster, prawns, crab, squid, and mussel all in the same meal. 
 More Bintang and a view of the sunset if you are lucky enough to have a clear night.
Have a look at Karen's face, she will kill me when she sees this !!

This is the corn cob vendor who cooked on the beach.  Note the airport behind.

Leaving the Seaside Cafe after a great evening.


  1. Seminyak where your staying looks amazing! A great spot after a terrible flight journey to Bali! Ubud is a favourite spot of ours. Seeing these photos makes us want to go again. Lots of love xx Josta

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