Monday, January 16, 2017

Day 7

Our last day with Karen and Stephen had a good start with a trip to the market after breakfast but finished with an emotional send off as they were whisked away in the car to the airport.
The time seemed to speed up as their departure closed in.  One minute we were having lunch on the beach and then they were gone.
We had many laughs, told many tall stories and experienced a special and relaxing week with our Irish friends.
We also leave tomorrow and will remember the fun we had until the next time we meet.

We inspected the one and two bedroom villas to report back to Melissa.  They were magnificent, close to the beach, large and surrounded by water as shown below.

The bathroom here had loads of room and every facility imaginable.

View from the bed almost with a view of the ocean.

Sitting, eating, relaxing area was superb as was the private spa and pool.

Path leading to the three story day spa rooms.

View of the ocean while having a massage !!

Judy standing on the spot where many a bride and groom have stood taking their vows.

The last supper with Karen and Steve, lunch at our favourite beachside spot with a couple of Bintan ales to say goodbye.

At last I managed to get Judy into the pool just before the rain came pelting down.

She was very proud that she got to the other end and back, the smile shows all !!☀️🌦🌩☔️

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Day 6

A peaceful day today (Sunday) with a stroll to the Seminyak market and lunch in the resort.
Last full day for Karen and Steve, they fly to K.L. tomorrow and then on to London and Cork, into the snow covered Europe.
They have had a great time in the hot and humid tropics of Bali.  It will be a shock for them to be back in 3 degree temperatures.

Could not get the smiles off Steve and Karen's face. They seemed to enjoy all the various cultural aspects of Bali and even the heat did not seem to bother them.

A couple of happy tourists.

And again.

Not another day at the pool.

The swimup bar is usually popular

Perhaps a relax on the sunbeds near the pool 

Or dinner overlooking the beach with the warm air gently flowing past.

Then back to the bar for the espresso martini on Karen and Steve's last night.  It has been a wonderful few weeks for us and we are sure the Irish have had a great time.  We have already planned the next trip for them, USA, Hawaii, Fiji, New Zealand, Melbourne, Adelaide, Ayres Rock, Cairns, Great Keppel Island, Noosa, Port Macquarie, Melbourne and Ireland.

Day 5

We took a taxi to the 2002 Sari Club bombing site.  This is the memorial that was financed by Australia and on the left behind the truck is a vacant lot where the Sari Club once stood.  Behind me was Paddys Bar which also was bombed and no longer exists.

The names of all those who were killed that night !

This is the infamous Kuta Beach without the soul of 25 years ago.  Less Balinese and more Javanese and Aussie males roaming the area has changed this once family resort into a down trodden and tired stretch of beach

For dinner tonight we went to Jimbaran Bay just south of the airport. We found the Seaside Cafe which served great seafood including lobster, prawns, crab, squid, and mussel all in the same meal. 
 More Bintang and a view of the sunset if you are lucky enough to have a clear night.
Have a look at Karen's face, she will kill me when she sees this !!

This is the corn cob vendor who cooked on the beach.  Note the airport behind.

Leaving the Seaside Cafe after a great evening.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Day 4

First a day at the pool in steamy heat.

Then lunch and a few cold drinks, hard life here at Seminyak

Then cocktails before dinner


And then the grand entrance to the dinner in the gardens to celebrate the new moon.

36 performers and 16 for dinner for a lavish banquet 

The mandatory photos after the show

Then down to the water to light the lantern and watch it float into the clouds

Day 3

We hired a vehicle, driver and guide for the day and travelled to Ubud and on to the Mt.Batur volcano .
Took all day in crazy traffic and saw the way most Balinese live today.

The volcano before torrential rain arrived.

Rice paddies en route 

Wood carving factory

Hindu temple along the way

Day 2

The transport arrangements to Bali were a disaster . Up at 4.45 am and still waiting for a plane at midday!!!
Then flew to Perth to refuel, cheaper than Darwin fuel, and on to Bali. Got there at 9.00pm a total of 16 hours after getting up.
Our plane was cancelled and we were not told. We were lucky to get two seats on another flight.
Not like Karen and Steve who were sent to Darwin and told to wait for 10 hours for their connecting flight.  They arrived at 3.00am the next morning.  Not a good result.
Could be worse, one lady and her daughter were on their first plane flight ever and were told there were no seats left. They went home to try again the next day.  No travel insurance for them.
Will try to never fly Jetstar again !!
First day spent at the pool relaxing with the Irish . 
The Seminyak Resort is excellent, with two beautiful pools, right on the beach, great service and very diverse menus.

Started at the pool

And finished at the pool

A beautiful night on the beach

On our way to the beachside restaurant to watch the sunset

Judy and Karen choosing their meals while watching the sunset

A view from Seminyak Beach Resort during dinner

Friday, January 6, 2017

The Arrival

Steve and Karen arriving at Tullamarine airport.

The happy couple.

Healesville Sanctuary.

Healesville Sanctuary.

More at Healesville Sanctuary

Steve playing the fool in the shop selling toys to foreigners.